We believe in learning by doing. 

Join the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Ventures program, an intense and immersive blended program. Consisting of live expert webinars, online courses, and culminating in a five day entrepreneurship Bootcamp at MIT, the program’s goal is to spark the creation of innovative biomedical ventures in the SUD space, a notoriously challenging problem area.

During the program, you will work together in a team of exceptional and diverse individuals including SUD researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs.

Receive advice from entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts, and leaders working in this space while being immersed in the dynamic and high-energy environment unique to MIT Bootcamps. Walk away with a community of innovators, a support system, and a new venture.

Questions? Interested in a collaboration? Email bootcamps@mit.edu.

Upcoming Bootcamps

Since the launch of MIT Bootcamps in 2014, graduates have started hundreds of new ventures and raised more than $160 million in funding. MIT Bootcamps also works closely with companies, universities, government, and foundations to bring private programs to learners of your choice — from students and junior and mid-career professionals to the C-suite.