Leveraging Virtual Crisis Simulation and Games to Deepen Learning and Bridge Divides

Headshot of Ben Harris and Suzanne Freeman
May 2, 11:30a-12:30p @ MIT Room 5-234
MIT Campus
MIT Community

Learn how virtual crisis simulation and games can help students to better understand course concepts and explore the nuances of relationships between different parties. As an active learning experience, simulation or gaming has the potential to engage learners in critical thinking about course concepts whether in online, in-person, or hybrid settings.

MIT PhD candidates in political science, Benjamin Harris and Suzanne Freeman, will share insights about the design and impact of using virtual crisis simulation, specifically wargames. They will discuss outcomes of their study “Crossing a Virtual Divide: Wargaming as a Remote Teaching Tool,” and their continuing work with implementing games in different settings.

Come to the xTalk to learn about promising directions of simulation and gaming as a teaching and learning tool.

Residential Education staff will be available to share technical and pedagogical practices to support student learning. Attendees are welcome to participate in Q&A, and share their experience.