Members of MITx Digital Learning Lab, a joint program between MIT Open Learning and MIT’s academic departments, learn, collaborate, and innovate with digital learning on campus and beyond. The Lab is composed of Digital Learning Scientists and Digital Learning Fellows who play a critical role in advancing digital learning initiatives across MIT — specifically with MIT Faculty and Departments.
Members of the Digital Learning Lab work together as a community to support and share innovations across MIT, as well as externally. The community meets semi-monthly to share updates, best practices, trends, and hear from guest speakers from MIT and beyond. They also support each other in developing tools and techniques for course development.
Digital Learning Lab Scientists
Digital Learning Lab Scientists are experienced subject matter experts who are also well-versed in the latest teaching and learning theories and technologies. They serve as leaders within their department in developing a digital learning strategy alongside faculty and manage a team that executes that strategy. Scientists generally hold lecturer appointments within their department and participate in both global and residential learning activities, leading the development of innovative course content and tools that faculty use on campus and in MOOCs. They also conduct educational research and regularly present at conferences and other events in support of MIT’s mission to advance education through technology.
Digital Learning Lab Fellows
Digital Learning Lab Fellows are generally postdoctoral scholars who support digital learning projects within their departments. As subject matter experts with strong backgrounds in teaching, they collaborate with MIT faculty and Digital Learning Scientists to produce digital content for MITx MOOCs and MIT residential courses, and serve as course staff and discussion moderators while courses are running. They may be assigned to a department, working under a Scientist, or to a specific project such as a MicroMasters program. They facilitate advancements in online learning through tool development, research, and other projects.
Beyond the MITx Digital Learning Lab, there are a variety of opportunities available for postdoctoral researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students to join individual course teams or collaborate on digital learning projects around campus.
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