9 courses from MITx ranked among Class Central’s “Best of All Time” 2022 list

9 courses from MITx ranked among Class Central’s “Best of All Time” 2022 list

MIT Open Learning

MIT is one of the most-represented universities on the list of 250 courses

Class Central, a resource for curating and rating online courses, has recognized nine MITx courses among its top honors: the Best Online Courses of All Time list. MIT is one of the most-represented universities on the list, out of 250 courses based on 200,000+ learner reviews.

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
An introduction to computer science as a tool to solve real-world analytical problems using Python 3.5.

Taught by:
John Guttag — Dugald C. Jackson Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at MIT
Eric Grimson — Vice President for MIT Open Learning; Bernard Gordon Professor of Medical Engineering, Professor of Computer Science at MIT
Ana Bell — Senior Lecturer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT; MITx Digital Learning Scientist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

A version of this course is also available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

The Analytics Edge
Through inspiring examples and stories, discover the power of data and use analytics to provide an edge to your career and your life.

Taught by:
Dimitris Bertsimas — Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management, Professor, Operations Research, and Associate Dean for Business Analytics at MIT

A version of this course is also available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
This course is an introduction to using computation to understand real-world phenomena.

Taught by:
John Guttag — Dugald C. Jackson Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at MIT
Eric Grimson — Vice President for MIT Open Learning; Bernard Gordon Professor of Medical Engineering, Professor of Computer Science at MIT
Ana Bell — Senior Lecturer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT; MITx Digital Learning Scientist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Introduction to Biology: The Secret of Life
Explore the secret of life through the basics of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA, genomics and rational medicine.

Taught by:
Eric S. Lander— Founding Director of the Broad Institute; Professor of Biology at MIT
Michelle Mischke — Instructor, Department of Biology at MIT
Graham Walker — Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator; American Cancer Society Professor of Biology at MIT
Mary Ellen Wiltrout — Director of Blended and Online Initiatives; Lecturer, Department of Biology at MIT and Digital Learning Lab Scientist, MITx

Molecular Biology: DNA Replication and Repair
An in-depth adventure through DNA replication and repair to strengthen your scientific thinking and experimental design skills.

Taught by:
Stephen P. Bell — Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator; Uncas and Helen Whitaker Professor of Biology at MIT
Tania A. Baker — Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator; E. C. Whitehead Professor of Biology at MIT
Mary Ellen Wiltrout — Director of Blended and Online Initiatives; Lecturer, Department of Biology at MIT; MITx Digital Learning Lab Scientist, Biology

A version of this course is also available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms
Enhance your scientific thinking and data analysis skills with this in-depth adventure through biochemistry.

Taught by:
Michael Yaffe — David H. Koch Professor of Science, Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering at MIT; Director, MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine
Mary Ellen Wiltrout — Director of Blended and Online Initiatives; Lecturer, Department of Biology at MIT; MITx Digital Learning Lab Scientist, Biology
Darcy Gordon — Instructor of Blended and Online Initiatives, Department of Biology at MIT; MITx Digital Learning Lab Scientist, Biology

Check out the second half of this course on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Probability: The Science of Uncertainty and Data
Build foundational knowledge of data science with this introduction to probabilistic models, including random processes and the basic elements of statistical inference. Part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Statistics and Data Science.

Taught by:
John Tsitsiklis — Clarence J. LeBel Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT
Patrick Jaillet — Dugald C. Jackson Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT; Codirector of the MIT Operations Research Center at MIT Sloan
Dimitris Bertsimas — Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management, Professor, Operations Research, and Associate Dean for Business Analytics at MIT
Karene Chu —Assistant Director of Education and Digital Learning Scientist for MITx MicroMasters Program in Statistics and Data Science; Research Scientist at MIT

A version of this course is also available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

AP® Microeconomics
An overview of introductory microeconomics. Learn the key principles of economics and how to apply them to the real world — and the AP® exam.

Taught by:
Jonathan Gruber — Ford Professor of Economics at MIT

Principles of Microeconomics, a version of this course without the AP® exam applications, is available on MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW).

Listen to the “Thinking Like an Economist” episode of OCW’s Chalk Radio podcast to learn how Prof. Gruber engages students with accessible real world examples.

Circuits and Electronics: Basic Circuit Analysis
Learn techniques that are foundational to the design of microchips used in smartphones, self-driving cars, computers, and the Internet.

Taught by:
Anant Agarwal — Chief Open Education Officer of 2U/edX; Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT
Gerald Sussman — Panasonic Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT
Chris Terman — Senior Lecturer Emeritus in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT

A version of this course is also available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

9 courses from MITx ranked among Class Central’s “Best of All Time” 2022 list was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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