Learn how to cure cancer with free courses from MIT
MIT OpenCourseWare offers a number of resources that further our understanding of cancer
Society has made leaps and bounds in cancer research and treatments but there’s still so much we don’t know. On World Cancer Day, we’d like to thank researchers, doctors, and nurses for their tireless work in the field. If you’re interested in learning more about cancer, cancer research, or cancer treatments, you can start with these free courses and seminars from MIT OpenCourseWare.
Undergraduate courses
Introductory Biology with Prof. Barbara Imperiali, Prof. Adam Martin, and Dr. Diviya Ray
Principles of Human Disease with Prof. David Housman and Prof. Jacqueline Lees
Cellular Metabolism and Cancer: Nature or Nurture? with Dr. Allison Lau and Dr. Evan Lien
Gender, Health, and Society with Dr. Brittany Charlton
Advanced undergraduate seminars
Avoiding Genomic Instability: DNA Replication, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer with Dr. John Randell and Dr. Robyn Tanny
Of Mice and Men: Humanized Mice in Cancer Research with Dr. Mandeep Kaur
Biomaterials and Devices for Disease Diagnosis and Therapy with Dr. Kevin McHugh and Dr. Ali Beyzavi
The DNA Damage Response as a Target for Anti-Cancer Therapy with Dr. Hans Christian Reinhardt
Cancer Biology: From Basic Research to the Clinic with Dr. Carla Kim and Dr. Kevin Haigis
The Seeds and the Soil: Roles of Tumor Heterogeneity and the Tumor Microenvironment in Cancer Metastasis with MIT visiting Professor Yun Zhang and Arthur Lambert
A Double-Edged Sword: Cellular Immunity in Health and Disease with Dr. Haiting Ma
Immune Cell Migration: On the Move in Response to Pathogens and Cancer Immunotherapy with Dr. Timothy Fessenden
When Development Goes Awry: How Cancer Co-opts Mechanisms of Embryogensis with Dr. Etienne Meylan and Dr. Trudy Oliver
Tumor Suppressor Gene p53: How the Guardian of our Genome Prevents Cancer with Dr. Wen Xue
Vascular Development in Life, Disease and Cancer Medicine with Dr. Alexandra Naba and Dr. Christopher Turner
Graduate courses
Tumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena with Dr. Rakesh Jain
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