A collection of research publications executed by faculty and staff of MIT Open Learning.

Journal Articles

Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Joshua M. Rosenberg, Aaron Kessler, Enilda Romero-Hall, and Christian Fischer, "The Importance of Context in Teacher Educators’ Professional Digital Competence" Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 2024.

Lauren Totino and Aaron Kessler, “'Why did we do that?' A Systematic Approach to Tracking Decisions in the Design and Iteration of Learning Experiences" The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 13(2), 2024. 

Jim Goodell1, Aaron Kessler, and Sae Schatz, "Learning Engineering at a Glance" Journal of Military Learning. In the Special Edition iFest and Army University Learning Symposium, 2023.   

Michael Yee, Anindya Roy, Meghan Perdue, Consuelo Cuevas, Keegan Quigley, Ana Bell, Ahaan Rungta, and Shigeru Miyagawa, “AI-Assisted Analysis of Content, Structure, and Sentiment in MOOC Discussion Forums” Frontiers in Education.  

John Liu, and William B. Bonvillian, “The Technologist: A New Occupational Category to Enable Advanced Manufacturing” Issues in Science and Technology [accepted for WI24 issue]

Cécile Chazot, Maxwell L’Etoile, Jessica Sandland, MICRO: An online undergraduate program to promote equitable access to research and education in material science and engineering, Matter 6(4): 1043-1050, 2023. 

Giora Alexandron, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, Aviram Berg, and Jose A. Ruiperez-Valient. “The effects of assessment design on academic dishonesty, learner engagement, and certification rates in MOOCs.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39 (1), 141-153, 2022. 

How to Build the Future of Teaching and Learning While Growing from the Changes and Challenges of 2020-21. Mary Ellen Wiltrout. Advances in Online Education, 2022

Inma Borrella, Sergio Caballero-Caballero, and Eva Ponce-Cueto. "Taking action to reduce dropout in MOOCs: Tested interventions." Computers & Education, April 2022.  

John Hart, Dawn Wendell, John Liu, John Lewandowski, Miguel Funes-Lora, and Albert Shih. “Teaching Manufacturing Processes Using a Flipped Classroom Model.” Procedia Manufacturing, July 2021. 

Darcy Gordon and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. “A Framework for Applying the Learning Sciences to MOOC Design.” Frontiers in Education, 2021.    

Sera Thornton and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. “Teaching MIT Students to Think Like Cell Biologists: A Visual Approach” EducationXpress, 2017.  

D. F. Harrell et. al. (2022) Contours of virtual enfreakment in fighting game characters. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 180.

Kessler, A., Boston, M., Stein, M. (2019) Exploring How Teachers Support Students’ Mathematical Learning in Computer-Directed Learning Environments. Information and Learning Science. Vol. 121 No. 1/2, pp. 52-78.

Y. J. Kim, L. Rosenheck et. al. (2019) Embedding Assessment in School-Based Making: Preliminary Exploration of Principles for Embedded Assessment in Maker Learning. FL2019: Proceedings of FabLearn 2019. pp. 180-183. Association for Computing Machinery.

Wiltrout, ME., Roy, A. (2018) The Effect of Course Content Position on Student Attempts of Practice Problems in Introductory Biology. Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS). IEEE

Thornton, S, Riley, C, Wiltrout, ME. (2017) Criteria for Video Engagement in a Biology MOOCProceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Learning@Scale. ACM

Taajamaa V., Majanola AM., Bagiati A., Guo X., Leppanen V. (2017) University Education as a Pathway to Innovation: Perspective on Building Students Innovation Capabilities in Sino-European Education Set-up. Journal of the European Higher Education Area. Volume 2017 Issue 3.

Fisher D., Bagiati, A., Sarma S. (2017) Developing Professional Skills in Undergraduate Engineering Students Through Cocurricular Involvement. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. Volume 54 Issue 3

Thornton, S, Wiltrout, ME. (2015) Teaching MIT Students to Think Like Cell Biologists: A Visual Approach. EducationXpress

A. Bagiati, S Yoon Yoon, D. Evangelou, A. Magana, G. Kaloustian, J. Zhu (2015) The landscape of PreK-12 engineering online resources for teachers: global trends. International Journal of STEM Education, V2(1). (Available at http://www.stemeducationjournal.com/content/2/1/1)


C. Breazeal, A. Rai, B. Ramesh, L. Chen, Y. Long, A. Aria, H. Loi, A. Torralba, J. Bernstein, J. Reich, E. Klopfer, H. Abelson, G. Westerman, and C. Bosch (2024) Opportunities, Issues, and Challenges for Generative AI in Fostering Equitable Pathways in Computing Education

D. DiPaola, A. Salazar-Gómez, H. Abelson, E. Klopfer, D. Goldston, C. Breazeal (2024) How Policy Can Help Ensure the Proper Use of AI in K-12 Education

E. Glass, C. Urrea, J. Diaz (2024) STEAM Learning Architecture: A Framework for Educational Innovation 

A. Bell, J. French, S. Fruchtman, D. Gordon, D. Grimes, M. Perdue, M. Tomasik (2022) MITx Designing for MOOC Learners Guide

D. Henderson, D. Jackson, D. Kaiser, S. P. Kothari, S. Sarma (2022) Ideas for Designing an Affordable New Educational Institution

V. Kumar, R. Raghavan, G. Westerman, S. Young (2022) The Workforce Relevance of Liberal Arts Education White Paper

L. Cook, L. Charles, G. Walsh, R. D. Fadel (2022) Migration Summit 2022 Report

J. P. Schmidt, B. Muramatsu, G. Walsh, D. Zagidulin (2022) Open Source Student Wallet Final Report

G. Westerman, W. B. Bonvillian, A. Clochard-Bossuet, L. A. Killada, J. Liu, S. Nelson (2021) MassBridge: Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Education Program–Benchmarking Study Phase One Report

G. Westerman, W. B. Bonvillian, A. Clochard-Bossuet, L. A. Killada, J. Liu, S. Nelson (2021) MassBridge: Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Education Program–Phase One Report Executive Summary

D. Olson, M. Price, N. Soliman, R. Sahu, A. Wang, D. F. Harrell (2020) Breakbeat Narratives: A Personalized, Conversational Interactive Storytelling System for Museum Education

W. B. Bonvillian, S. Sarma, (2020) Applying New Education Technologies to Meet Workforce Education Needs

W. B. Bonvillian, S. Sarma, M. Perdue, J. Myers, (2020) “Preliminary report — The Workforce Education Project

Playful Journey Lab (2019) Thrifty Makerspaces Project - Year 1 Implementation Report

S. Sarma. Blueprint for a Renaissance University 

Sarma, S. & Bagiati, A. (2020) Current Innovations in STEM Education and Equity Needs for the Future. Book Chapter in National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Proceedings of a Virtual Symposium. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

A. Bagiati, S. Sarma (2018). "Merging STEM Education with Brain Science: Breaking the Silo Mentality." Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Conference, 17-21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark

A. Bagiati, B. Subirana, S. Sarma  (2017) "Examining STEM Learning through memory retention: a research agenda" Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Conference, 18-21 September, Azores, Portugal

Subirana B., Bagiati A., Sarma S. (2017) On the Forgetting of College Academice: at "Ebbinghaus Speed"? (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), 2017-06-20) (Available here)

A. Bagiati (2014) "Developing an Online Course: Challenges and Enablers" Proceedings of the SEFI 2014 Annual Conference, held September 15-18 in Birmingham, UK 

Conference Papers

A. Patel, D. G. Turakhia, O. Brunner, A. Mertens, J. Liu, “Benchmarking Open-endedness of VR Training Systems in Manufacturing” 2024 IEEE ISMAR

Mary Ellen Wiltrout, Darcy G. Gordon, Alexander J. Shvonski, Jessica G. Sandland, Thomas Esayas, Adrian Devezin, and Jaylyn Battistini, “High School Interns Partnering With Learning Engineers for MOOC Innovation” 2024 IEEE Digital Education and MOOCS Conference (DEMOcon)

Meghan Perdue, Jessica Sandland, Aditi Joshi, and John Liu, “Exploring the Integration of Social Practice Into MOOC Peer Assessment” 2024 IEEE Digital Education and MOOCS Conference (DEMOcon)

Daniel J. Braconnier and John Liu, “Comments & Replies: Discussion Forum Interaction Networks Stimulated by Peer-Review Assignments” 2024 IEEE Digital Education and MOOCS Conference (DEMOcon)

Serafina R. France Tribe, Jessica G. Sandland, Cécile A. C. Chazot, “Broadening Participation in Online Research and learning in Materials Science and Engineering: The Impact of Recruitment Strategies” Frontiers in Education, 2024

Rachel Mok, Cong Li, Benita Comeau, Emily Welsh, Nicholas Xuanlai Fang, and John Liu, “An Educational Simulation to Learn Image Artifacts of Atomic Force Microscopy” 2024 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, 2024

Kachina Studer, Hing Lie, Ben Thomson, Dishita G. Turakhia, and John Liu, “An Open-ended System in Virtual Reality for Training Machining Skills” Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), 2024

Meghan Perdue “Incorporating Learner Perspectives in Course Design” LWMOOCs 2023  

Meghan Perdue “Investigating Learners’ Perceptions of Completion and Certification in MOOCs” 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances  

Heeryung Choi, Inma Borrella, Eva Ponce-Cueto, “Meta-LAD: Developing a Learning Analytics Dashboard With Theoretically Grounded and Context-Specific Approaches” LWMOOCs 2023

Hie Lie, Kachina Studer, Zhen Zhao, Ben Thomson, Dishita G. Turakhia, and John Liu, “Training for Open-Ended Drilling through a Virtual Reality Simulation” IEEE ISMAR 2023 

John Liu and Ewoud de Kok. “CrowdLearn: Open Sourcing Learner Feedback to Enable Open-Ended Assessments for MOOOCs” IEEE LWMOOCs 2023.

Aidan MacDonagh. “Student Engagement in Optional Self-Assessment in a Blended Introductory Physics Course” LWMOOCS 2023 

Michelle Tomasik, Jen French, Aidan MacDonagh. “Strategies for Designing Cognitively Demanding Assessments Within Math and Physics MOOCs” LWMOOCs 2023 

Caitlin Friend, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, and Darcy Gordon.  “Application and Evaluation of a Revision Framework to the Formative Assessments in a MOOC” LWMOOCs 2023.

Aidan MacDonagh. “Increasing Available Attempts: Changes in Student Correctness on Formative Introductory Physics Problems” L@S 2023. 

Salazar-Gomez, A.F, Bagiati, A., Alvarez, J. M., Beshimov, E., Breazeal, C. (2023) The Global Apprenticeship Program (GAP): bridging the gap between talent and opportunities. Proceedings of 2023 IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Oct 18-21. College Station EX

Bagiati, A., Salazar-Gomez, A. F., Bachmann, A., Kennedy, K., Breazeal, C. (2023) AI for Leadership: Implementation and evaluation of an AI educational ProgramProceedings of 2023 SEFI Annual Conference. Sept 11-14. Dublin

Bagiati, A., Reynolds-Cuellar, J. (2023) Engineering Curriculum redesign: Is my school ready for this?  Proceedings of 2023 SEFI Annual Conference. Sept 11-14. Dublin

Lavi, R., Bagiati, A. (2022) The New Engineering Education Transformation Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology: The Evolving Design and Implementation of a Programmatic Evaluation Study. In Bryan R. Moser, Pisut Koomsap, Josip Stjepandic, editors, Transdisciplinarity and the Future of Engineering - Proceedings of the 29th International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering (ISTE) Global Conference, TE 2022, Cambridge, MA, USA, July 5-8, 2022. Volume 28 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, pages 658-667, IOS Press, 2022

Salazar - Gomez, A. F., Bagiati, A., Minicucci, N., Kennedy, K., Du, X., Breazeal, C. (2022) Designing and implementing an AI education program for learners with diverse background at scale. Proceedings of  2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, 2022 pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/FIE56618.2022.9962632

Friend, Caitlin M.; Avello, Monika; Wiltrout, Mary Ellen; Gordon, Darcy G. “A Framework for Revising MOOC Formative Assessments” LWMOOCS 2022 

Choi, Heeryung; Winne, Phil; Brooks, Christopher; Li, Warren; Shedden, Kerby. “Logs or Self-Reports? Misalignment Between Behavioral Trace data and Surveys when Modeling Learner Achievement Goal Orientation” International Conference of Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2023 (LAK’23)

Meghan Perdue and Jessica Sandland, Evaluating the impact of transparency on peer review quality in MOOCs, 2022 IEEE Learning with MOOCS (LWMOOCS), 2022. 

Anindya Roy, Shigeru Miyagawa, Ana Bell, Ronisha Carter, and Meghan Perdue. “How COVID-19 Affected Computer Science MOOC Learner Behavior and Achievements: A Demographic Study.”    Learning @ Scale, June 2022. 

Higgason, E., Enns, G., Wight, J., Welsh, E., Hart, A.J., Liu, J., Physically Contextualized Machining Instructions through Augmented Reality. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. 

Ngo, M., Welsh, E., Studer, K., Comeau, B., Fang, N., and Liu, J., Opening Up the Black Box: an Augmented Reality Look into the Scanning Electron Microscope. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. 

Ovitigala, N., Comeau, B., Welsh, E., Fang, N., and Liu, J. Low-Cost Haptics and Visualization to Learn the Atomic Force Microscope Force-Distance Curve. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. 

 Aidan MacDonagh, Peter Dourmashkin, Michelle Tomasik, Alex Shvonski, Joshua Wolfe. “Remote Active Learning for Large-Enrollment Introductory Physics.” Contributed Talk, AAPT Summer Meeting, August 2021. (full program; underline.io presentation)

Emily Welsh, Dan Li, John Hart, and John Liu. “Scaling Hands-On Learning Principles in Manufacturing through Augmented Reality.” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, July 2021. 

Anindya Roy, Julius Stein, Meghan Perdue, Ana Bell, Ronisha M. Carter, Shigeru Miyagawa. "How COVID-19 Affected Computer Science MOOC Learner Behavior and Achievements: A Demographic Study". Learning @ Scale, 2022. 

Anindya Roy, Julius Stein, Meghan Perdue, Ana Bell, Ronisha M. Carter, Shigeru Miyagawa. "The Relationship Between COVID-19 Severity and Computer Science MOOC Learner Achievement: A Preliminary Analysis"., Learning @ Scale, 2022.

Virginia Katherine Blackwell and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. “Learning During COVID-19: Engagement and Attainment in an Introductory Biology MOOC.” EMOOCs, June 2021.  

Aleksander Shashkov, Robert Gold, Erik Hemberg, ByeongJo Kong, Ana Bell, Una-May O'Reilley. "Analyzing Student Reflection Sentiments and Problem-Solving Procedures in MOOCs", Learning @ Scale, 2021. 

Monika Avello, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, Ana Bell, Christine Vonder Haar, and Shira Fruchtman. “Impact of Course Delivery Mode on Learner Engagement in MOOC.” Learning with MOOCs (LWMOOCs), 2020. 

Giora Alexandron, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, Aviram Berg, and Jose A. Ruiperez-Valient. “Assessment that matters: balancing reliability and learner-centered pedagogy in MOOC assessment.” 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK), 2020. 

Jessica Sandland and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. “The Digital Learning Laboratory Model to Catalyze University Teaching and Learning.” Sixth International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 2020. 

Jessica Sandland, Andreas Wankerl, Alejandra Quintanilla Terminel, Azael Capetillo, and Diana Salinas Flores. “Collaborative Learning for Innovation Education.” IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2020.

Jessica Sandland, Emma Vargo, Jonathan Paras, George Varnavides, Sarah Warkander, and Polina Anikeeva. “Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials: A Comic-Based MOOC.” Learning with MOOCs (LWMOOCs), 2020. 

Meghan Perdue. “Practicing 21st Century Skills in the Classroom.” Sixth International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 2020. 

Hannah Burd, Ana Bell, Erik Hemberg, and Una-May O’Reilly. “Analyzing Pre-Existing Knowledge and Performance in a Programming MOOC.” Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 2020. 

Christine Vonder Haar and Ana Bell. “Analysis of Repeat Learners in Computer Science MOOCs.” Learning with MOOCs (LWMOOCs), 2020. 

Darcy Gordon, Monika Avello, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, and Aaron Kessler. “A Codebook for Evaluating Learning Science Applications in an Online Course.” European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Significant Interest Group 6-7, 2020.

John Liu, Alex Shvonski, Aidan MacDonagh, Jennifer French, and Aaron Kessler. “Using the ICAP Framework to Map Student Opportunities for Engagement in Massively Open Online Courses.” European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Significant Interest Group 6-7, 2020. 

Alex Shvonski, Pushpa Prabakar, Jacob White, Peter Dourmashkin. “Implementation of Design Experiments in Large-Scale Introductory Physics Classes.” Contributed Talk, AAPT Summer Meeting, 2020.

Inma Borrella, Sergio Caballero-Caballero, and Eva Ponce-Cueto. "Predict and intervene: Addressing the dropout problem in a MOOC-based program." Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 2019. 

Ayesha Bajwa, Erik Hemberg, Ana Bell, and Una-May O’Reilly. “Analyzing Student Code Trajectories in an Introductory Programming MOOC.” Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 2019. 

Isabel Hilliger, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, and Carlos Delgado-Kloos. “Extending the H-MOOC Framework: Metrics for Evaluating the Success of Blended Learning Experiences.”   Hybrid Education Workshop, 2019. 

Meghan Perdue. “Digital Learning in Humanities Higher Education.” OEB Global, 2019.

Jen French. “Lessons learned: An introvert's guide to establishing community in a MOOC forum.” Canadian Math Society (CMS) Annual Meeting, 2019.

Michelle Tomasik and Anindya Roy. “Exploring the relationship between students’ online LMS performance and attitudes in an intro physics course.” APS March Meeting, 2019.

Monika Avello, Darcy Gordon, and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. “The Importance of Iterative Course Design: Using Learning Analytics to Evaluate and Revise Difficult Problems in a Biochemistry MOOC” Engaging Digital Learning Experiences LINC Workshop, 2019. 

Alexander Shvonski, Yunfei Ma, Michelle Tomasik, Byron Drury and David Pritchard. “Topical, Randomized Quizzes Administered Electronically in an Introductory Electromagnetism Course at MIT.” Engaging Digital Learning Experiences LINC Workshop, 2019. 

Byron Drury, Ian Bouche, Amelia Guttentag, Sunbok Lee, Michelle Tomasik, Alexander Shvonski, Chandralekha Singh, and David Pritchard. “Online Quizzes to Replace Traditional Paper Assessment in Introductory Mechanics.” Engaging Digital Learning Experiences LINC Workshop, 2019. 

Alexander Shvonski, Aidan MacDonagh, Michelle Tomasik, and Peter Dourmashkin. “Use of In-Class Response Questions in a Large-Scale, Blended Learning, Introductory Physics Class at MIT.” Engaging Digital Learning Experiences LINC Workshop, 2019. 

Jessica Sandland. “The 3.024x Comic Book Project.” Engaging Digital Learning Experiences LINC Workshop, 2019. 

Pushpaleela Prabakar, Alexander Shvonski, Jacob White and Peter Dourmashkin. “Implementation of Design Experiments in a Large-Scale, Blended Learning, Introductory Physics Class at MIT.” Engaging Digital Learning Experiences LINC Workshop, 2019. 

Aidan MacDonagh, Alex Shvonski, Michelle Tomasik, Peter Dourmashkin. “Concept Question Use Across Multiple Sections of Introductory Electromagnetism.” Contributed Talk, AAPT Summer Meeting, 2019. (full program)

Mary Ellen Wiltrout and Anindya Roy. “The Effect of Course Content Position on Student Attempts of Practice Problems in Introductory Biology.” Learning with MOOCs (LWMOOCs), 2018. 

John W. Harrold and Jessica Sandland. “The Influence of Immediate Homework Feedback on Student Performance and Satisfaction in an Engineering MOOC.” Learning with MOOCs    (LWMOOCs), 2018. 

Darcy Gordon and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. “Student Feedback on Implementing a Molecular Visualization Tool in General Biochemistry in Class and Online.” Hybrid Education Workshop, 2018. 

Jennifer French. “Designing a MOOC on the Laplace Transform.” Hybrid Education Workshop, 2018. 

Michelle Tomasik and Peter Dourmashkin. “Use of Online Videos Developed for a MOOC in the MIT Introductory Physics Classes.” Hybrid Education Workshop, 2018.

Jessica Sandland and Philip Rodenbough. “Strategies for Assessment in Materials Science and Engineering MOOCs.” Open Education Global Conference, 2018.

Sera Thornton, Ceri Riley, and Mary Ellen Wiltrout. "Criteria for Video Engagement in a Biology MOOC." Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. ACM, 2017. 

Curtis Northcutt, Tailin Wu, Martin Segado, Isaac Chuang. “Measuring Assessment Authenticity in Open Online Learning.” NCME Annual Meeting, 2017.