News from Residential Education at Open Learning: Vol. 3, Issue 2, June 2019.

In this issue:



2019 Teaching with Digital Technology Award Winners
This year's winners of the TWDTA awards were announced at a luncheon Tuesday, June 4th, attended by award winners, nominees, and special guests. The winners were celebrated with a video featuring their teaching stories accompanied by presentations by Dean Krishna Rajagopal and Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz. This year, 158 student nominations were submitted for 117 different faculty members & instructors. The winners were chosen by a committee of undergraduate & graduate students, Dean Rajagopal, and Vice Chancellor Waitz:

  • Erik Demaine, CSAIL, for a collaborative co-authoring tool used in 6.892.
  • Amy Carleton, Comparative Media Studies & Writing, for student engagement with communications media in 21W.035.
  • John Belcher, Physics, for electromagnetism simulations.
  • Jared Curhan, Sloan, for an app that quickly analyzes & synthesizes negotiations data.

Learn more about their teaching in this video:

TWDTA 2019 Winners




Residential MITx News

Did you know?

  • Residential MITx now allows for a new style of ‘in-video’ quiz. With this feature, the video automatically pauses and displays questions at timestamps that can be configured by one’s course team. Most MITx built-in question types are available for use and questions can be graded and count towards a participant’s overall score in the course. 
  • With the upcoming Ironwood upgrade on June 17, a full-screen image tool will enable participants to see more detail in images. A smaller, re-sized version of the image will display in the page, but clicking on the image will pop open a full-screen panel with the full-size version of the image. 
  • Ironwood will also offer a better “view as learner” feature. When viewing course content as a learner, instructors will be able to see content that is not yet released for students, along with a reminder message: "This user does not have access to this content because the content start date is in the future."

This summer, if you are interested to learn more about using the MITx platform, or have used MITx but could benefit from a refresher or targeted training on a new feature, please let us know. Meredith Davies and the Ed Tech team would welcome the opportunity to work with you:



xTalks Retrospective

Did you miss an xTalk this past spring? Visit our archive for videos, slides, and presentation summaries.




Support for Innovating with Technology

As we transition to the summer, please remember the Residential Education team is here to assist and consult with faculty who may be thinking about improving their teaching with technology. If you're interested, please get in touch with us:

News from Residential Education at Open Learning: Vol. 3, Issue 2, June, 2019. To suggest article topics, ask questions, or subscribe to this newsletter, please email