Sanjoy Mahajan: 21st Century Instructional Design - Task Centered Instruction

Sanjoy Mahajan
November 04, 2015 3:00pm
MIT Campus
MIT Community

Between the frying pan of the usual, topic-centered instruction (one darn thing after another) and the fire of pure discovery learning, how do you stay cool? Mahajan will describe task-centered instruction; its basis in cognitive science, especially in cognitive-load theory; how it synthesizes the good aspects of the frying pan and the fire to foster long-term learning; and how it helps us make principled choices about technology and residential teaching. 

Sanjoy Mahajan is Acting Director of Digital Residential Learning and Visiting Associate Professor of EECS.

This event is co-sponsored by the HHMI Education Group.

Reccomended pre-reading: 10 Steps to Complex Learning (Kirschner & Van Merriënboer )

PDF handout from Mahajan's xTalk

Related Material

Audio from Sanjoy Mahajan's xTalk

Blackboard Images from Sanjoy Mahajan's xTalk