With advances in digital learning technologies, Faculty at MIT have an unprecedented opportunity to impact learning worldwide.
Over 5.8 million unique learners have enrolled in a MOOC and MITx has granted over 300,000 certificates. Each year, the OCW website gets over 20 million visits and OCW YouTube videos are viewed over 50 million times, with 70% of usage from outside North America.
Develop and teach a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Create a MOOC and offer it to learners everywhere, for free. MITx courses give you global reach and the ability to impact thousands of learners. The MOOC you develop can be used later for residential teaching, or you can conduct both a MOOC and a classroom course simultaneously. For details about MITx, edX, and 2U, visit this faculty information page (Kerberos log-in required).
Publish on OCW
Publish materials from an existing residential course or other educational resources on OCW under an open license. This is the least labor-intensive option and often reaches the broadest audience. OCW course materials are a solid foundation for exploring other digital learning projects. For instance, some faculty have reused video lectures from their OCW courses in later MITx efforts.
Give an xTalk
Present your research and teaching innovations at an xTalk. Educators and researchers share strategies, solutions, and issues related to transformation in educational practice, particularly through the use of digital technologies. View past and upcoming xTalks.