2024 in stories

2024 in stories

The calendar year shined a light on research, teaching, and innovation at MIT Open Learning, as illustrated by these 32 stories.
Image: iStock
MIT Open Learning

From research developments to new learning opportunities, MIT Open Learning marked multiple achievements in 2024 that deepened its commitment to open education and the science of teaching and learning. As the calendar year comes to a close, here are some of Open Learning’s most noteworthy stories of 2024.

Research news

An illustration depicting team brainstorming with two people on their laptops, two people holding large lightbulbs, one person thinking, one person walking while holding a bar graph, and two people talking. Five gears are in the background.
Image: iStock

Open Learning news

A desk with a lamp, cell phone, coffee, and a laptop with a web browser window open to the MIT Open Learning Medium blog.
Photo: iStock; Medium screenshot: MIT Open Learning

Learner stories

A collage of headshots of MIT Open Learning learners
Image: Headshots courtesy of learners

Learning opportunities

An illustration of a woman sitting on top of a book reading, with books and a phone screen in the background.
Image: iStock

2024 in stories was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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