6 tips for creating a strong corporate learning culture in 2023

MIT Open Learning

Creating a culture of learning in the workplace can directly impact companies’ bottom lines


Creating a culture of learning in the workplace has been shown to encourage employee engagement, promote a team-wide growth mindset, drive innovation, inspire continuous improvement, and attract and retain top talent-all significant benefits that can directly impact companies’ bottom lines.

“A culture of learning is when an organization’s culture openly values and encourages continuous learning and development ,” explains Luke Hobson , Senior Instructional Designer and Program Manager for MIT xPRO. Along with developing courses and programs for MIT xPRO, Luke also builds private courses for clients across many industries.

There are a number of ways to create a culture of learning at your organization, from investing in workplace learning perks to creating customized learning solutions for your team. Successful initiatives provide opportunities for employees to:

  • Enroll in courses
  • Attend workshops
  • Share knowledge and experiences in group discussions

“The goal is to create a workplace environment that is supportive of learning and personal growth,” says Luke.

How to Create a Strong Corporate Learning Culture

Want to build a stronger corporate learning culture at your organization? Follow these tips Luke has learned from his most successful corporate clients.

1. Get buy-in from leadership and middle managers

Luke stresses that for a culture of learning to take root, it’s essential to get leadership on board. “There should be cohesion and unity amongst leadership when it comes to values, beliefs, and behaviors,” he says.

Equally important is getting middle managers excited about corporate learning so that they are committed to providing the support and encouragement employees need to take advantage of the opportunities available to them.

2. Tie corporate learning to tangible outcomes

Companies must effectively convey the value of corporate learning to their employees. “People are more likely to participate in workforce training initiatives when they can see the benefits of these opportunities and how they will impact their immediate goals or solve their problems,” explains Luke.

Employees also have the chance to earn certificates and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from certain programs that will benefit their careers in the long term.

3. Foster the right environment for knowledge sharing

Organizations with strong cultures of corporate learning make it clear to employees that they are open to new ideas and new ways of conducting business. They are safe environments where people know it’s okay to fail sometimes because failure leads to new learnings and opportunities. They value camaraderie over competition.

As a result, employees feel encouraged to share their knowledge to the benefit of their colleagues and the entire organization.

Knowledge sharing is part of what inspires MIT xPRO to offer bespoke learning solutions for small teams. These programs allow for on-the-job learning and encourage participants to support each other’s progress and development.

4. Include employees in corporate learning planning

Luke encourages companies to involve employees when planning corporate learning initiatives. “The most common mistake I see at the organizational level is that senior-level leadership will create training and programs without consulting their own employees first,” explains Luke.

He notes that not every initiative needs to be a weeks-long course, and often there are more direct and succinct ways to train employees. “Openness, communication, trust, and belief in the process are vital,” says Luke. “You should be hearing directly from potential participants about what their goals are and what they are hoping to learn.”

5. Bring up your culture of learning during hiring

One of the best ways to create a strong corporate learning culture is to hire people who already innately value continuous learning. Plan to discuss your company’s commitment to learning and development during the hiring process to establish that this is a value of yours right up front.

The good news is that many of today’s workers wantto be part of companies that offer education perks, meaning this discussion point can be a big incentive for great candidates to join your company.

6. Embrace the iterative process

Companies must understand that much like learning itself, implementing effective workplace training programs is an iterative process. Prepare to gather feedback and analyze the results of different initiatives to see which ones produce the best results for your organization and-just as importantly-your employees.

MIT xPRO recognizes that workforce training needs differ from one organization to the next. That’s why we offer customizable learning solutions to address specific business challenges. In terms of the courses themselves, Luke explains that MIT xPRO courses have engaging curriculums utilizing many forms of media and hands-on activities and that many courses are asynchronous to ensure optimal flexibility.

If corporate learning is a priority for your organization in 2023, MIT xPRO may have just the program you need. Learn more about transforming your workforce with MIT .

Originally published at https://curve.mit.edu on February 22, 2023.

6 tips for creating a strong corporate learning culture in 2023 was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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