Explore education frontiers shaping the landscape of learning worldwide

Explore education frontiers shaping the landscape of learning worldwide

MIT Open Learning

MIT Jameel World Education Lab shares how educators can cultivate innovation, talent, and learning

Photo by Christopher Harting

Registration is now open for Connections 2023: Education’s Frontiers, virtual daily two-hour sessions hosted by MIT Jameel World Education Lab October 23–26 that will explore the education frontiers that are shaping the landscape of learning worldwide.

Part of MIT Open Learning, the Jameel World Education Lab’s work falls within three educational frontiers: Campus as Catalyst, which cultivates innovations to connect learners and faculty to their ecosystems in new ways; Pathways for Talent, which helps learners successfully bridge the transition from education to the workforce; and Architecting Learning, which advances the practical value of a growing body of scholarly and real-world research about learning science. The Jameel World Education Lab threads these themes throughout our collaborations with educators at MIT and across the globe on a mix of ambitious projects for wide-scale transformation.

Architecting Learning
Monday, October 23, 2023 | 9:00–11:00 a.m. EDT

Discover how education evolves with cutting-edge technologies, adaptive learning models, and dynamic content creation. Explore new horizons where the classroom is just the beginning. Led by Jameel World Education Lab Faculty Director Anjali Sastry, join us for sessions with MIT’s Jennifer Light, the Bern Dibner Professor of the History of Science and Technology and professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, as she explains her innovative research connecting movement and learning. Monday’s member spotlight will look at curriculum work at Anjuman-I-Islam inspired by MIT Full STEAM Ahead, led by Fauzia Ansari. View full schedule and speaker bios »

Pathways for Talent
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 9:00–11:00 a.m. EDT

Uncover bold new ways to open the doors of academia more widely to talented individuals from underserved communities around the world. Become part of the journey to link tomorrow’s workforce needs with today’s learners. Join us for sessions with MIT’s Jessica Sandland, principal lecturer in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and digital learning scientist in MIT Open Learning, as she explains her work to cultivate students’ STEM identities through a blended learning program and address the underrepresentation of certain BIPOC groups in U.S. engineering doctoral programs. Tuesday’s member spotlight will be on innovation collaborative member StartSmart South Eastern Europe, led by Vassilis Papakonstantinou. View full schedule and speaker bios »

Campus as Catalyst
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | 9:00–11:00 a.m. EDT

Explore the transformative role of educational institutions in their communities and beyond. Learn how campuses are becoming hubs of innovation, social change, and global collaboration. Join us for a session with Claudia Urrea, Senior Associate Director of pK-12 at MIT Open Learning and the Jameel World Education Lab, as she discusses ongoing work with the Itz’at STEAM Academy in Belize City, Belize. The day will also feature a conversation with Zahra Kanji, Director of MIT Hacking Medicine and a member spotlight on Universidad César Vallejo’s entrepreneurial training program, led by Yrene Gloria Chamorro Bacilio and Carlos Felipe Colmenares Misas. View full schedule and speaker bios »

Exploring the Future
Thursday, October 26, 2023 | 9:00–11:00 a.m. EDT

Jameel World Education Lab Experts-in-Residence Haynes Miller (Professor Emeritus, MIT Department of Mathematics) and Rea Lavi (Lecturer, MIT School of Engineering) join Faculty Director Anjali Sastry for a look at trends in education and the future of the Jameel World Education Lab. Our final member spotlight of the week will feature Wadah Foundation. View full schedule and speaker bios »

This event is open to all, and attendees can attend one or all sessions as schedules allow. Register online at jwel.mit.edu/connections. For questions, please contact jwel@mit.edu.

About the Jameel World Education Lab
The Jameel World Education Lab, part of MIT Open Learning, brings MIT ideas and resources to educational innovators, builds connections with dozens of member organizations across the world, and collaborates in co-designed projects with educational institutions to develop, assess, and disseminate practical and effective solutions that increase the reach, quality, and innovation potential of education.

The Jameel World Education Lab’s growing focus on innovation support speaks to the need for new and effective methods to spur impactful learning, development, and progress grounded in the ability to innovate in technology, process, and business models, particularly when that innovation benefits from ideas, insights, and guidance emerging from academia while addressing local needs and opportunities. Learn more at jwel.mit.edu.

Originally published at jconnector.mit.edu on October 11, 2023.

Explore education frontiers shaping the landscape of learning worldwide was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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