What will you learn with MIT OpenCourseWare?
Watch these hidden gems from real MIT courses
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and open publication of MIT courses across every MIT department and degree program. You can watch over 7,000 lectures straight from the MIT classroom on OCW’s YouTube channel. To celebrate 4 million subscribers on YouTube — the most subscribers for any .edu provider — here are a few of our favorite videos that we consider “hidden gems.” For more recommendations, check out the Community tab on OCW’s channel.
Lecture: Do aesthetics matter in video games?
Instructors: Philip Tan, Rik Eberhardt
View the complete course: CMS.611J: Creating Video Games
Lecture: Vibrations and Waves Introduction
Instructor: Yen-Jie Lee
View the complete course: MIT 8.03SC Physics III: Vibrations and Waves
Interested in how this residential MIT physics course was adapted for online learners? Read about the process from one of our MITx Digital Learning Lab fellows who helped design the course.
Lecture: Puzzle 1: You Will All Conform
Instructor: Srini Devadas
View the complete course: MIT 6.S095 Programming for the Puzzled
Lecture: F-22 Flight Controls
Instructor: Randy Gordon
View the complete course: MIT 16.687 Private Pilot Ground School
Lecture: When Your Breath Smells Like Nail Polish Remover
Instructor: John Essigmann
View the complete course: MIT 5.07SC Biological Chemistry
What will you learn with MIT OpenCourseWare? was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.